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  • Writer's pictureCherrie Mae A. Quinsay

School: General Information and Academic Information

Updated: Nov 23, 2018

1.1 School Profile

School Name      : SDN 13 POASIA

Address               : Jl. Syaikh Khidhir Al-Limboriy, Kambu, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93231

Province              : South-East Sulawesi

Country               : Indonesia

Headmaster         : Risan, S.Pd.

Population of enrolled learners: 240 students

No. of employed teachers: 12 including the headmaster

*Below is the school's vision, mission and goals:


"Becoming a Superior and Reliable School in an Environmental-Based Society Based on Faith and Faith"


1. Prepare a superior generation that has potential in the field of science and technology 2. Forming active, creative, innovative human resources in accordance with the times 3. Building the image of the school as a trusted partner in the community 4. Providing facilities and infrastructure needed to support learning activities 5. Try to shoot potential students to develop optimally 6. Provide excellent service to support the learning process, work in harmony and true 7. Instill a caring attitude towards the preservation, prevention, pollution and control of environmental damage to all school members 8. Creating a school environment as a source of learning. 9. Make efforts to manage, prevent and utilize the environment.


1. Implement religious teachings with confidence in everyday life.

2. Cultivate a clean, comfortable and friendly environment for all school people

3. Developing the potential of students through science and technology

4. Utilizing effective and efficient facilities and infrastructure

5. Instill discipline so that all programs are implemented properly

6. Empowering all school potential including community members in supporting education programs

7. Familiarize the school community to pick and choose trash according to its type.

8. Instill a caring attitude towards the environment and its use as a learning resource.

1.2 Academic Support System

The school was supported by the government for it was a public school by the help of the ministry of education in primary level.

Following are the factors that contributes in the academic support system of the school:

a. Organizational structure

Composed of the school's headmaster, school committee, faculty and staff.

b. Classroom

~ There are 11 classrooms

c. Library

~One librarian

~Variety of textbooks (educational books, fiction and non-fiction, articles, and magazines)

1.3 Teaching System

The school's education system is done within a week from Monday to Saturday. It is just a half-day class from 7:30am-11:30am. The time frame of each subject is 1 hour and 30 minutes.They have 8 subjects such as Bahasa Indonesia, Al-Qur’an Education, Physical Education,Art and Culture Education, Music, Science and Mathematics Education.

1.4 Materials and other Learning Sources

SDN 13 POASIA uses two books which are a student's workbook and of course a teacher's book together with the curriculum guide for teaching. The school has also a library that serve as one of the learning sources for both the teachers and students.

1.5 Measurement and Evaluation System

The teachers mainly assess or evaluate the student's learning through providing activities from the book, recital/performance activities, paper-pencil test, oral recitations and exams.

1.6 Curriculum

According to the teachers, their curriculum changes every after 2 years.

1.7 Teaching Plan

The pictures below is copy of a sample of their teaching plan in relation to my major (This copy of lesson plan was given by the grade 5 teacher)


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