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  • Writer's pictureCherrie Mae A. Quinsay

Observation on Teacher(s)

4.1 Planning For Teaching

The teachers makes their lesson plans of the topics for the whole week. They submit it every Monday to the school head to be check ready for teaching.

4.2 Preparing lessons and materials

The teaching schedule changes every week, so teacher prepare lesson plan before teaching every week. Materials that teacher uses for teaching English is textbook and worksheet. Quick recap and explain about the material. In classroom don’t facilitate to use technology, so the most of teacher will use textbook and worksheet to teach students. The worksheets can copy at the copy shop and it’s free.

4.3 Teaching In class

The teachers uses varied strategies in opening the topic as well as in discussing it. They also employ appropriate activities that caters the educational needs of the students.

For the first part of the lesson, the teacher pose some questions as a review for their past topic/discussion. Then some of the teachers shows pictures to open the topic. In the discussion part, the teacher mainly discuss the topic and integrate recitation activity among the pupils. For the last part, the teachers gives an activity for the students. Some of them, lets the students' answer their workbook and the others lets the students do an interactive activity like the dance performance and any recital activities.


4.4 Measurement and Evaluation

In order for the teachers to measure and evaluate the learning performance of the students in school, they make use of a criteria as a tool in assessing them. They also provide quizzes, artworks, and assignments that serves as the contributory factors for evaluating the students.


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